Sunday, February 27, 2011

It was cold, but the Indian food was Spicy

I know, I know corny title, but the night was definitely cold. You know Friday when it was supposed to snow...but it didn't. Nonetheless we got together for a fun time. I think the best part was was the warm tea Kesha concoted! While I would never cook a full Indian meal I definitely found some winners that will serve as appetizers for guests.

Ok first of all a shout out to Weight Watchers (and Jennifer Hudson, stop hating she looks great!). This first recipe is a WW recipe. Vena who made this dish suggested adding more Shrimp and chicken along with red potatos to make it heartier.

Shrimp and Chicken Curry
2 spray(s) cooking spray
2 tsp olive oil
1 Tbsp curry powder, mild or hot, to taste
1/2 tsp table salt
3 medium scallion(s), thinly sliced, green and white parts separated
1/2 cup(s) light coconut milk
1 pound(s) shrimp, large, shelled and deveined
3 cup(s) cooked brown rice

Coat a medium to large skillet with cooking spray; add oil and set over medium heat. When heated, add curry powder and salt; cook, stirring constantly, until curry is fragrant, about 1 minute.

Add white parts of scallions; cook, stirring occasionally, about 2 minutes more. Add coconut milk; stir to blend. Add shrimp; cook, stirring occasionally, until shrimp turn pink, about 4 to 5 minutes. Sprinkle with green parts of scallions; serve. Yields about 5 to 6 shrimp, 3/4 cup rice and 1 to 2 tablespoons sauce per serving.
Add cilantro, hot peppers or tomatoes for a completely different twist.

Serve this recipe with fresh pineapple, mango or papaya to cut the spice (will affect PointsPlus values).

**OK Tamika made this dish...almost. I hope she chimes in because she totally changed this dish with her obssession with cheese. But it made for good food.
Palak Paneer Recipe
Palak Paneer, which also known as Saag Paneer, features wholesome flavor of cooked spinach (Palak) with fresh and delicate Indian cottage cheese, Paneer. For quick Palak Paneer, use frozen chopped spinach.You can also use canned spinach but avoid using it since it has more mushy texture and usually extra salt and spices. For vegans, substitute paneer with firm or extra firm Tofu.

1 lb paneer pieces (½ inch cubed)
2 lb spinach
3 tablespoon onion (chopped)
2 tablespoon tomato (chopped)
½ cup half and half
2 teaspoon garam masala powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
2 tablespoon ghee or oil

Salt to taste

* Add ~ 1/4 cup half and half to give creamy texture to the dish
1 Heat ghee in low-medium flame. Add cubed Paneer and heat until light golden brown. Remove and set aside.
2 Heat ghee or oil. Sauté onion until light golden brown. Add spinach and cook until it turns into a paste.
3 Add spices and tomatoes. Simmer for few minutes.
4 Add cubed "half and half" and Paneer to spinach curry. Cook for about 10 minutes in medium heat.
5 Serve hot with rice or indian bread.

Chicken Tikki Masala

Ingredients :
2 tbsp coriander seeds
2 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp jeera
1 tsp mango powder
1 tsp chilli powder
juice of a lime
10 good thick yoghurt
salt to taste
2 lb chicken, diced
5 to 6 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large onion, finely chopped
chicken stock or water

Method :
Grind the spices and mix with marinade ingredients.
Marinade chicken in the fridge for 24 hours.
Heat oil in a frying pan or wok until becomes very hot.
Stir fry chicken vigorously for about 5 minutes.
Take out chicken and keep warm.
Fry the onion and garlic until just browning and return chicken with any remaining marinade, plus stock, plus more spices if you think the sauce needs it an extra tsp of cumin and coriander may 'lift' it a little.
Simmer until chicken is cooked and Sauce is nice and thick.
Ready to serve.

Vegetable Kurma
Ingredients :
Oil little
1 big onion
Salt to taste
1 garlic piece
2 carrots, 1 capsicum
1 potato, small ginger piece
7 to 10 beans, 3 to 4 cauliflower pieces
2 to 3 cloves, little elaichi
½ tsp cinnamon
10 to 15 cashew pieces
1 tsp of khus khus
½ cup coconut
Method :
Cut the onions into small pieces and one fourth of the onions into big pieces.
Take a Kadai with little oil and add cloves, cinnamon, elaichi and cashews and then fry a little add ginger, garlic and big pieces of onions and then keep it to cool a little after everything is fried.
Then grind the whole mixture with coconut and khus khus and keep it aside.
Now take a little oil and add sombu, and then onions, fry it nicely.
Take all the vegetables cut into small pieces and boil it in the microwave. After everything is cooked nicely add it to the onions and mix it.
Add salt in the ground mixture. Now after everything is mixed well add water if it is very thick.

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