Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dessert Night

OK..I'm a little late with this one (only two months). But enjoy anyway!
So we decided that December is packed with too many things to do, so we condensed the foodie group this month to a dessert party. ASo we kicked off the holiday season with karaoke tracks, spiced cider and a table full of our favorite desserts. These many desserts were ridiculous and we had to force ourselves away from the table so we wouldn't fall into a diabetic coma.

OK--Here's the desserts by foodie

ME-I made my favorite Paula Deen Recipe Buttermilk Pie in individual stars and fresh whipped cream.

I also made Spirited Southern Sweet POtato Bars. I've never made them before, Vena said they need nutmeg. Here's a link to the recipe


Walnut Pecan Chocolate Pie


Cheesecake with raspberry-port reduction


Jav's Blondie


Big Ass Peach Cobbler

Vena won't give us her recipe that she has perfected over the last who knows how many years. But I will tell you that a key ingredient is butter and cinnamon...because it was cinnaminniminny!!!!

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