Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthday Weekend

I'm a little late...but...My birthday weekend was full of culinary delights-so here's to all my foodies.

I kicked it off on Thursday with a pre-birthday celebration at Havanna Sol in Vallejo. Havanna Sol is patterned after Havanna in Walnut Creek, but unfortunately the food is hit or miss. I had a Havanna Burger-it was rather dry, but the sweet potatoe fries seemed to disappear off my plate when I wasn't looking! Lucky for us no one came to eat-we came to drink and the drinks were delicious. I believe our table tried every mojito on the menu and not a complaint in the house. I tasted Niki's cucumber orange mojito-a strange combo that was quite refreshing.

La Ciccia-Birthday Dinner
On Friday, my actual birthday, we went to La Ciccia. La Ciccia was featured on Check Please last month so I was excited to try it out. The food was AMAZING! I had the pan seared ahi tuna with the most amazing cabbage. Everything was done well-including the pizza the waiter forced us to get which turned out to be a happy dance in your mouth. I know corny, but it was good!

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